Must-Have Web Analytics Tools for Boosting Your Online Success

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Web analytics tools are software applications that businesses use to collect, analyze, and report on data about their website and its visitors. These tools help businesses understand how their website is being used, who is visiting their website, and what actions visitors are taking on their website.

There are many different web analytics tools available, and the right tool for a business will depend on their specific needs and goals. Some popular web analytics tools include Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and Mixpanel.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that is available from Google. It is widely used by businesses of all sizes, and offers a range of features and capabilities for collecting and analyzing data about website visitors. Google Analytics allows businesses to track the number of visitors to their website, the sources of traffic to their website, and the actions that visitors take on their website.


There is no cost to use Google Analytics, but there are also premium versions of the service available with additional features and support. The premium version of Google Analytics is called Google Analytics 360, and it is designed for large businesses and enterprises.

Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a paid web analytics tool that is part of Adobe’s suite of marketing and analytics tools. It offers advanced features and capabilities for collecting and analyzing data about website visitors, including the ability to create customized reports and to segment visitors into different groups. Adobe Analytics is often used by larger businesses with complex websites and marketing campaigns.


Pricing for Adobe Analytics is based on the volume of data processed and the specific features and support included in the plan. Prices can vary depending on the needs of the business and the specific features and support required. You can contact Adobe directly to get more information about the pricing plans for Adobe Analytics and to determine the best plan for your business.


Mixpanel is another popular web analytics tool that is focused on helping businesses understand the actions that visitors take on their website. Mixpanel allows businesses to track individual user actions, such as clicks, taps, and scrolls, and to create custom reports and dashboards that show how visitors are interacting with their website.


Mixpanel comes with free plan as well as paid plan. Its Growth plan is paid which costs 25$. For Enterprise plan you need to contact Mixpanel team to tell them your requirements to get quote